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AM 805M Revised model for 2021.
The AM 805SE is a Single ended design using a very high quality 805 output tube for 50 watts per channel. They are very well made and weigh 28Kg each.They have a very natural, musical sound, with an astonishing bass extension and power for a SE design.
The sonics of these amplifiers really needs to be seen to be believed and comparing them to other amplifiers, even at several times the price is embarrassing.
Price: Please contact us for world beating pricing on this special product.

Now only available in the silver wiring version which uses a square section pure silver, 24 carrot gold wiring in all crucial signal paths and in the umbilical cord from the power supply.
The AM 805SE is a Single ended design using a very high quality 805 output tube for 40 watts per channel. They are very well made and weigh 28Kg each.
They have a very big and powerful sound with surprising bass authority and scale. As would be expected from such a design, the soundstage, separation and
inner detail are exceptional and are superior to any of the Consonance amps and this is very high praise indeed, as there is very little that is. They are also clearly better than our previous "Best Ever" which was over $30,000 and rated in Stereophile, The Absolute Sound and sever other major publications as the "World's Best)
AM believe that the personality of the music in the performance is the most important part of the reproduction.
What is the pursuit of the true musical atmosphere in the original performance? We believe that to preserve the music's personality is the most important goal. During many years of research, we found that the new digital technologies cannot meet its demands, so we went back to most basic analogue circuits, not only to achieve a better frequency response or to reduce distortion to an absolute minimum. Modern test data shows just the basics, and can only be taken as reference. The positioning of each sound is more important. We wanted to preserve the soundstage depth, height and width all at the same time, and also preserve the music's emotion and expression. These are hard to obtain from tests. Many Manufacturers believe that if it measures well, it will sound good. This is frequently not true. It needs many long hours of trial and error to find, and preserve the true atmosphere of the music.
It takes a great deal of basic research to achieve a properly designed circuit. The design of the power supply is fairly traditional, as the structure of a single-ended, directly heated triode is simple; there is no push-pull circuit crossover distortion, only a sound with a mellow and transparent timbre. It is a very popular with the true music lover.
The size of the transformer must be sufficiently large to supply sufficient power. The transformer that we use is a HIB Double C Core, that has been perfected after many years of research and development.
We abandoned all semiconductor components, so start with a purely analogue design. We also believe that the amplifier should be direct coupled to the power supply, without using any coupling capacitors.
In order to pursue the maximum musical dynamic range, by the simplest circuit, the power supply adopts a traditional p type filters and chokes. The power transformer, output transformer and drive transformer all use HIB Double C Core, except the chokes which use EI.
It is this careful research and development and long hours of listening, to select the best possible circuit and component that results in the sound that you hear from any AM product.
Feature summary of the AM-805M
* This is a high-efficiency 805 Class A single-ended amplifier
* The Power transformer .Output transformer and Drive transformer are based on a double C Hib Core design.
* Direct coupled designs , to achieve a maximum dynamic range, and musicality.
* Special double chokes transformer for B power circuit to reduce hum.
* The S/N ratio is improved by DC coupling, eliminating capacitors from the signal circuit. A true sound can be achieved by a combination of direct and coupled transformers.
* The chassis features a 12mm Aluminium top plate for aesthetics, and a thick, massive foundation for attaching components to optimise the sound reproduction.
Size: 44cm long, 27 wide and 29 high.
Weight: 33Kg each.